Explore the Upper Thames in a Barefoot Canoe

On-site canoe hire for those staying on the campsite

General Information

Canadian canoes are available for hire on campsite: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

The MaybushYou’ll be paddling upstream to start with and after about 2 miles you’ll reach Newbridge where you’ll find 2 pubs – the Maybush and the Rose Revived (This is The Maybush but the pontoon has been replaced with alternative access further along the riverbank). These are great places for a loo stop and quick drink (morning coffee, afternoon tea, hot chocolate, or something a little stronger) before heading back to the campsite. The return journey downstream is usually easier as you’ll have had plenty of practice perfecting your paddling strokes on the way up, plus you’ll have the current with you on the way back to help you if you’re getting tired. You may even have the benefit of the prevailing wind to help!

Please note: The pubs get very busy at weekends so you will not have time to stop for a meal.

Each canoe will accommodate up to three adults or two adult and two/three* children (* at the discretion of canoe hire staff – please enquire)

The party will be offered a short (land based) introduction to paddling, which is especially relevant if none of the party have paddled canoes before.

The hirer will be asked to sign a disclaimer on behalf of him/herself and their party. The hirer is responsible for their own safety and the safety of their party at all times.

Hire Times and Fees:

Saturdays: morning and afternoon
Sundays: mornings only

On a 3-day Bank Holiday weekend canoes are also available on Sunday afternoons

(on a 4-day Bank Holiday weekend canoes MAY also available on Monday in May and on Friday in August – please enquire)

Morning hire: 9.30am – 12.30pm @ £40 per canoe
Afternoon hire: 1.30pm – 4.30pm @ £40 per canoe

  • Please ensure you return the boat on time: If you return late from a morning session the afternoon family will be let down, and if you return late from an afternoon session, campsite canoe staff will need to stay late and you will be charged a hire supplement.

Safety Equipment:

Kitting up

All participants will be fitted with a buoyancy aid or life jacket which must be worn at all times whilst on the water.

Our phone number and river etiquette is taped to the inside of each canoe.


What to bring:

We will provide each canoe with a small dry bag in which to keep your possessions.

  • Mobile phone in case of an emergency
  • Drinking water
  • Appropriate clothing & footwear
  • Snacks or picnic
  • Cash or card if you’re planning to stop for a drink at one of the pubs
  • Anti Bacterial Hand Gell (see information on Weil’s disease)
  • Sun tan lotion
  • Small towel
  • Small amount of money if you plan to stop at the pub for a drink.

What NOT to bring:

  • Expensive jewellery or watches
  • Car Keys

What to bring back:

  • Canoe
  • Paddles
  • Life Jackets/Buoyancy aids
  • Dry bag
  • Rubbish
  • Great memories!

We strongly recommend booking your canoe hire before arrival, though you can hire on the day if boats are available.

You will be asked to read and sign our Hire Agreement and Disclaimer, a copy of which you will find below.

Please note, we do not have credit card facilities on site so if you’re thinking of hiring a canoe on the day if one is available, please bring sufficient cash with you.

Follow this link to:

Barefoot Canoes
Hire Agreement and Disclaimer:

(reviewed January 2024 )

I will supervise my party throughout. On behalf of myself and my party I confirm the following:

  • We understand that each member of our party will be provided with a buoyancy aid for those who can swim or a life jacket (for non swimmers and younger children) which we will wear at all times whilst the canoe is on the water.
  • We understand that the buoyancy aids and life jackets are for use in the boat, not for swimming, and that they will be returned clean and dry (unless used in an emergency) for the next party to use.
  • We understand that we will be shown how to get in and out of the canoe safely at the riverbank and will ask for clarification if we are not clear.
  • I will ensure that my party listens to the short, land based, introduction to paddling and will ask for clarification if we are not clear.
  • In the unlikely event that we capsize the canoe, we understand that will should swim with the boat to the bank, empty it and re-enter the boat from the bank. If this is impractical for any reason, then I understand that the absolute priority is to get all members of the group safely onto the bank and then contact Barefoot Canoes to advise them of the situation.
  • I will ensure that we will:
    * Use the canoe upstream of the campsite launch point only.
    * Stay on the right hand side of the river whilst paddling.
    * Stay away from the weirs, overhanging trees and bridge pillars.
    * Keep a safe distance away from other river users, in particular larger, motorised vessels.
    * Avoid fishing lines
    * Ensure that no one is attached or tied to the canoe
    * Not undertake boating activities while intoxicated
  • Boats are hired at the discretion of Barefoot Canoes Hire staff. We acknowledge that they reserve the right to cancel the hire at any time if they consider it unsafe for us to continue on the water.
  • If we are advised by hire staff or any river official that it is unsafe/unsuitable to continue paddling, we will leave the river at once and seek advice from Barefoot Canoes Hire staff.
  • I accept responsibility for my own safety and the safety of my party at all times. Anyone under the age of 16 will be supervised throughout.
  • I have been provided with information about Weil’s Disease and I am aware that it is also available on the Barefoot Campsites website.
  • I accept that Barefoot Canoes has absolutely no responsibility for the safety of myself or my party.
  • I accept that water sports are considered a high-risk activity and I will ensure that my party and I act in a responsible manner at all times.
  • I accept responsibility for all kit provided whilst it is in our possession and will cover the cost of replacing any lost or damaged equipment as follows:
    Paddles – £40.00 each
    Life Jackets/Bouyancy aids – £45.00 each
    Dry bags – £14.00 each
    Mobile phone wallets – £10 each
    Canoe – £250 (insurance excess)
  • We have been issued with …… paddles, …… buoyancy aids/life jackets, …… dry bags.

I understand and accept the conditions as laid out in this disclaimer on behalf of myself and my party.

I am 18 years of age or older.

Hire Period:
morning session: 9.30am – 12.30pm
afternoon session: 1.30pm – 4.30pm

  • Please ensure you return the boat on time at the end of your hire period, remove and dispose of all rubbish, and return all equipment promptly to the campsite for it to be signed back in. 

Name (Print): ……………………………………………………………………………..

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Date: ……………………………………………… 2024

Hirer Mobile contact whilst on the river: ……………………………………………………

Paid in advance:   ____       Paid on-site: £ _______  Cash / Online

Weil’s Disease:

The risk of contracting Weil’s disease is slight but it is a serious condition and we want you to be fully informed.

As you may know, rats pee as they run. Rat urine is a source of Weil’s disease. Weil’s disease causes kidney damage and is potentially fatal. It is primarily a disease of river banks and farmyards, not river water or river mud as many believe – rats live on land!

How to protect yourself:

* Always wash your hands thoroughly before you eat or drink.
* Immediately clean and cover grazes and cuts, even small ones.
* Keep your head (eyes, nose and throat) out of the water as much as possible.

If you or a member of your group develop flu like symptoms within about three weeks of the event (the incubation period can be a lot shorter), they should be taken to the doctor immediately for diagnosis. Inform the doctor that you have been involved in river activity. Symptoms include high fever, chills, joint pain, muscle pain (esp in the calves, oddly), headaches (sometimes with light-aversion), nausea, cough, loss of appetite. It’s very unlikely but needs to be watched for.

If you follow sensible hygiene as outlined above then the risk is low.

Want to bring your own canoe, kayak or paddleboard?

We’re very happy for you to bring your own canoes, kayaks and paddleboards to Barefoot but we do ask you to include them in your booking request and to abide by our Canoe and Paddleboard Code.

Private Canoe Code:

(includes paddle boards and inflatable dinghies)
  • IMG_7620If you want to take your own canoe, paddle board or inflatable dinghy on the river it will need to be registered.  You can do this through the Environment Agency but it’s probably better value to join British Canoeing  All locks on the River Thames now display a notice warning of a fine of up to £1,000 for unregistered craft!
  • Use your river craft upstream of Barefoot Canoes launch point, or downstream of the ‘sheep dip’ in the Lower Lock Paddock, unless you are going through the lock
  • Northmoor Lock is not part of the campsite. Do not use the Lock lay-by to get in or out of your canoe. This is specifically for the use of large river craft waiting to enter the lock.
  • Stay well away from the weir and do not use it as a white water play spot.
  • Do not paddle in the weir pool
  • You should keep on the right hand side of the river whilst paddling
  • Keep a safe distance away from other river users, in particular larger, motorised vessels. This is especially important near the campsite as they will be concentrating on entering or leaving the lock
  • If advised by campsite staff, the lock keeper or any other river official that it is unsafe/unsuitable to continue paddling, leave the river at once
  • You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of your party at all times
  • We strongly recommend that you bring appropriate buoyancy aids/life jackets for yourself and all your party to wear when on the river
  • Barefoot Campsites has absolutely no responsibility for the safety of you or your party
  • Be aware that water sports are considered a high risk activity and ensure that you and your party act in a responsible manner at all times

British Canoeing logoIf you have your own canoe, kayak or paddleboard (and incidentally inflatable dinghy!) you’ll need a licence to use it anywhere except on the sea.  One way to do this is to join British Canoeing which should cover you for pretty much everywhere in the the UK, but do check which waterways it covers you for if you live in Wales. You don’t need a licence to paddle in Scotland.  Alternatively, you’ll need to obtain a licence from the Environment Agency.


2024 Unpowered Boat charges for the River Thames:


  • Daily – £5.50
  • Weekly – £11.50
  • Monthly – £21.80
  • Explorer (15 day) – £19.00
  • Annual (Jan to Dec) – £48.60

The annual registration or explorer registration for an unpowered open boat allows that boat to be used on any of the Environment Agency waterways.

Explorer registration days do not have to be consecutive.

This link will get you to their website: Environment Agency.

Once on their website, scroll down to Boat registration (licence) forms  and select  Environment Agency waterways: application for an annual or short-term registration of an unpowered open boat )

The Environment Agency doesn’t currently offer an online boat registration renewal service. To renew your boat registration, contact the boat registration team. (see below)

The Environment Agency aim to process your application as quickly as possible. At busy times it can take up to 10 working days from the day of receipt to issue your registration, please allow additional time for postage.

You can buy a visitor registration for either a powered or an unpowered open boat at any River Thames lock when the lock keeper is on duty. To buy your visitor registration at the lock you must complete a different registration form, which they will give you, not this one.

Environment Agency boat registration team

PO Box 544
S60 1BY

Email boatreg@environment-agency.gov.uk

Telephone 03708 506 506

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm


Lock keeper duty hours:

  • May and June, 9am-6pm
  • July and August, 9am-6.30pm

and finally…

If all our canoes are booked out and you’re desperate to get on the river there are 3 possible options:

AV Boats Canoe Hire in Abingdon

30 minute drive

Weekend and Bank Holiday prices:

  • 2 Hours  £35
  • 4 Hours  £65
  • All Day (9:00am till dusk)  £130

Thrupp Canoe and Kayak Hire

30 minute drive

Canoes 2 or 3 seats:

£25 per hour
£40 2 hours
£60 per half-day (4 hours)
£85 per day (8 hours)

Canoes 4 seats:

£30 per hour
£50 2 hours
£75 per half-day (4 hours)
£90 per day (8 hours)


Oxford Punts & Paddle Boats
located at the Rose Revived Pub, Newbridge, a pleasant 40 minute riverside walk along the Thames Tow Path, upstream of Northmoor Lock

Paddle Gondolas: £20 per boat, per hour

Electric Punt Launches: £30 per boat, per hour